
Magewell Pro Capture MINI SDI


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RRP: $589.28
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Product Overview

Pro Capture MINI SDI

One channel HD capture card for SD/HD/3G-SDI. The #11130 model comes with standard heatsink

High-Performance Video and Audio Capture

Available in single and multi-channel models with a wide selection of input interfaces, our high-bandwidth Pro Capture PCI Express cards capture up to four channels of HD or two channels of 4K video plus corresponding audio. Models are available with support for HDMI, SDI, DVI or analog signals and can automatically detect the input signal format, delivering reliable, high-quality video and audio capture for video professionals, systems integrators and OEM developers.

Superb Software and OS Compatibility

Pro Capture devices support Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems – including x86, x64 & ARM architectures – and offer extensive compatibility with popular streaming, live production, web conferencing, lecture capture, collaboration and medical imaging software.

Powerful and Easy-to-Integrate SDK

The Magewell MWCapture SDK provides both generic interfaces and custom APIs across OS platforms, helping developers leverage the full capabilities of Magewell capture hardware and achieve lower-latency, multi-stream capture and AV synchronization across multi-channel or even multiple capture cards.

Lower CPU Usage

All Pro Capture models feature Magewell’s FPGA-based, zero-CPU-usage video processing, providing high-quality up/down conversion and image adjustments without consuming valuable host system processing power.

SDI Specific Features:

  • Integrated cable equalizer supporting cable lengths up to 230M for HD signals
  • Support for SD/HD/3Ga/3Gb/3Ga-DL/3Gb-DS standards
  • Support for 2K (2048×1080) mode
  • Support for RGB 4:4:4, YCbCr 4:4:4, YCbCr 4:2:2 color sampling
  • Support for 10/12-bit color depth
  • Support for extraction of SMPTE 352 payload identifier
  • Support for up to 8 (mono) audio channels at 48KHz (channels 1–8 from the 16 available in the SDI spec)
  • Support for extraction of audio formation information & channel status data
  • Limited support of 3Gb-DS: only the first stream can be captured
  • Limited support for capture of the first link of dual link interfaces:
    • YCbCr 4:2:2 10-bit 1080p 50/59.94/60: captured as 1080i 50/59.94/60
    • YCbCr 4:4:4 10-bit: captured as 4:2:2
    • RGB 4:4:4: R/B sub-sampled

Video Capture Formats:

  • Support for capture image resolutions up to 2048×2160 pixels
  • Support for capture frame rates up to 144fps. (Actual capture frame rate can be limited by PCIe bandwidth, and at higher image resolutions – above 1280×1024 – by the pixel clock of the on-board video processing hardware. eg. Max frame rate at 1920×1080 = ~80fps. )
  • Support for 4:2:0 8-bit capture formats: NV12, I420, YV12
  • Support for 4:2:2 8-bit capture formats: YUY2, YUYV, UYVY
  • Support for 4:4:4 8-bit capture formats: V308, IYU2, V408, BGR24, BGR32
  • Support for 4:4:4 10-bit capture formats: V410, Y410
  • More capture formats are supported via Pro Capture SDK for DirectKS

For more information on the Magewell Pro Capture MINI SDI, click here!

Warranty Information

The period of limited warranty for capture cards/capture boxes/USB Capture Family capture dongles is one year. Please check the Magewell website for more details.