
Inovonics 640 AARON FM Re-Broadcast Receiver


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RRP: $5,500.00
Price: $5,225.00
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65MHz – 108MHz / Composite Passthrough / Band Scanner / Web Listening
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Product Overview

640 AARON FM Re-Broadcast Receiver - (65MHz – 108MHz / Composite Passthrough / Band Scanner / Web Listening)

Inovonics' AARON 640 is a new premium FM rebroadcast/translator receiver developed to meet challenging reception scenarios. Boasting off air performance superior to even the most elite professional and consumer receivers, AARON 640 provides many of the features of it's big brother AARON 650, but at a budget-friendly price point.

The extremely sensitive and selective front end of the AARON 640 digitally decodes the entire Analog baseband. Outputs are low-latency MPX, Balanced Analog and AES-Digital signals for retransmission.

The back panel provides a 50 Ohm (N) antenna connector, a true (off air) composite outputs, Balanced Analog and AES-Digital audio, and remote IP access. Rear-panel and self-logging alarms constantly check for Audio Loss, RF Loss, and RDS Loss (or ‘hijacking’). Online notifications can alert personnel with e-mail or instant text messages when any of the alarms occur. The front panel displays left and right audio metering, local LED alarms and an LCD screen with jog wheel for advanced control and editing of all tuning and monitoring parameters.

AARON 640's "responsive" web interface allows complete setup, listening, logging and control of the unit from your PC, tablet or smartphone, and reliable 2-way connectivity is ensured with a built-in Dynamic DNS utility. Advanced off-air metering tools include an FM BandScanner and FFT of the MPX region. Reception bandwidth, auto-blending and many other receiver parameters are controlled via manual or automatic reception processing.

For more information on the Inovonics 640 AARON FM Re-Broadcast Receiver, click here!

Warranty Information

TERMS OF WARRANTY: Inovonics, Inc. products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship.

  • Any discrepancies noted within THREE YEARS of the date of delivery will be repaired free of charge, or the equipment will be replace with a new or remanufactured product at Inovonics' option.
  • Part and labor for factory repair required after the three-year Warranty period will be billed at prevailing prices and rates.