
Inovonics 808 JUSTIN HD Radio Time Alignment Processor


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RRP: $7,777.00
Price: $7,392.00
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Precise time alignment between analog FM and HD1 | SNMP
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Product Overview

808 JUSTIN HD Radio Time Alignment Processor - (Precise time alignment between analog FM and HD1 | SNMP)

Inovonics’ JUSTIN 808 maintains time alignment between analog FM and HD1 channels to within 23 microseconds (±1 sample).

The JUSTIN 808 only makes it's time-alignment adjustments to the HD1 channel leaving the critical FM transmission untouched - an important distinction when choosing a time-alignment processor.

No more lost words, stuttering, echoes, or level shifts. The entire sync process is 100% automatic, and the JUSTIN’s Web interface features SNMP support and dispatches e-mail and SMS alarm messages.

“This is the kind of thing that will help make HD Radio better for listeners, car dealers, and the industry in general, by eliminating blending problems…” - Paul Shullins, Greater Media Boston.

For more information on the Inovonics 808 JUSTIN HD Radio Time Alignment Processor, click here!

Warranty Information

TERMS OF WARRANTY: Inovonics, Inc. products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship.

  • Any discrepancies noted within THREE YEARS of the date of delivery will be repaired free of charge, or the equipment will be replace with a new or remanufactured product at Inovonics' option.
  • Part and labor for factory repair required after the three-year Warranty period will be billed at prevailing prices and rates.